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Friday, August 3, 2012

MTN boosts music education, scholarship

Nigeria: MTN Foundation boosts music education, scholarship

It was their day of glory. Yet, these twenty nine young men and women could not afford to take the back seat to relish the celebrations of their academic accomplishments during their pre-graduation musical concert. As performers, they were a delight to behold all through the fifteen distinct and exhilarating musical performances that marked the concert. It was a one-of-a-kind display of talent, skills and passion by the youthful graduands, who were the third set of beneficiaries of the MTN Foundation’s scholarship programme.

Their electrifying performance of indigenous, contemporary and classical music, as well as use of musical instruments such as drums, violin, violincellos, cellos, the Grande Piano, Drums, Trumpets and Clarinets, played up their two years intensive training in voice training, music composition, arrangement and use of musical instruments at the MUSON School of Music. They did their families, the MTN Foundation, their sponsor and the MUSON School of Music, their alma mater proud.

Reiterating this, Aderayo Oyegbade, one of the graduands, who majored in voice and violin, at the school said, it took a lot of hard work, determination and the sponsorship support from MTN Foundation to have come this far. His parents wanted him to be a medical doctor, and he was forced to do science subjects in secondary school. But now he has their support to pursue a degree in music from an American university.

Beyond himself with joy, Oyegbade whose interest in music was nurtured by his church says his experience at the MUSON School of Music has been wonderful, thanks to the support from the MTN Foundation.

“I dance, sing and play the violin. I had always known that I will be a musician but my MUSON experience was challenging. Getting admitted was rigorous. We did auditions, and I was admitted because I had prior music training from the church.  I am a member of my church choir, and we always come to MUSON. I also had certificates from previous trainings to show that I have potentials as a musician”, Aderayo Oyegbade disclosed.

He added that, “MTN Foundation made it easier for us all. MTN was so wonderful. They paid our school fees, bought us books, and also gave us transport allowance. I would not have become a qualified musician today if there is no MUSON, and a MTN Foundation sponsorship. I have learnt a lot and I am now a professional musician. MTN really made it possible because without the tuition, many of us will not be where we are today.”  

Oyegbade’s sentiment about the significant role being played by the MTN Foundation by making real the dreams and aspirations of talented youths to do music professionally, was equally shared by Mrs. Francesca Emmanuel, a trustee of the Musical Society of Nigeria (MUSON). She lauded the Foundation for partnering with the MUSON School of Music to actualize the dreams and aspirations of indigent Nigerians with talent in Music through the MTNF/MUSON scholarship initiative.

“I want to thank MTN for the opportunity given to these talented youths, many of whom would not have been here and would not have been able to pursue their dream professionally. They have turned out well and I wish to convey the gratitude of all members of MUSON to MTN. The MTN Foundation has positively altered the course of the lives of these young people”, Mrs. Emmanuel stated.

Mrs. Francesca Emmanuel is not far from the truth. However, the MTN Foundation has not only altered the lives of the youthful graduands, but is also impacting the way music will be performed in the country. For instance, the Foundation’s scholarship made it possible for nine violinists from the MUSON School of Music to study the Suzuki method of teaching the violin to very young children. The school has started its own Suzuki program.

Also, several MTNF scholars had gained admission into universities in America and South Africa. Seven earned scholarships to continue their musical studies at the University of Dayton, Dayton Ohio. Five of them are presently at the University of Dayton as transfer students receiving credit for the work they did at MUSON. Similarly, another three were offered admission to study at the Crane School of Music, State University of New York.

Among the 2010 MTNF Scholars, Tobi Otekayi, a pianist, has been offered scholarship to Winthrop University in South Carolina; while the duo of Michael Oloyede, a percussionist, and Kayode Ibiayo, a pianist and composer, will proceed to Berkeley College of Music in Boston and Michigan State University, respectively.   There are others still awaiting acceptance to further their education in music abroad as transfer students.

Commenting on the MTNF/MUSON Music Scholarship Programme, Nonny Ugboma, Executive Secretary, MTN Foundation, says the partnership with the MUSON School of Music is not sponsorship, but an investment that provides avenue for young talented Nigerians who are less privileged but have a passion for music to develop their talent to the fullest; earn a living in the profession of their choice and contribute positively to the growth of the Nigerian economy. 

According to Ugboma, the sterling performance of the present graduating set of MTNF scholars are a source of immense joy to the MTN Foundation, and like their predecessors, the Foundation is hopeful that they will be assets not only to their immediate families, but to MUSON and to the country as a whole.

To inspire the twenty nine graduating music scholars to continually strive for excellence, MTN Foundation decorated and presented gifts to all to reward their commitment and doggedness in the last two year of study.  In addition, the duo of Faith Madubugwu and Benjamin Ezbuenyi went home with brand new laptops, while Joseph Kunnuji took home MTN Foundation grand prize of a brand new keyboard for outstanding leadership, excellent academic performance, creativity and integrity. 

The MTNF/MUSON Music Scholarship Programme was instituted to provide students with a flair for music the opportunity to acquire qualitative music education leading to a MUSON Diploma in music. The scholarship covers tuition, books and daily stipend. So far, the third set of 29 MTNF/MUSON scholars brings the total number of students who have benefitted from this unique programme to seventy four.

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